Back to school: 8 ways to keep your family healthy from germs

How To Not Get Sick
How To Not Get Sick

Back to school, or back to the germ fest? Here are some tips to keep you and your kids healthy all year long:

1. Wash your hands for longer than you think. Use warm water, soap and lather for the time it takes to sing happy birthday twice.

2. Hand sanitizer is awesome when on the go.

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3. Sharing is nice. Sharing germs is not. Tell kids not to share bottles, food or personal items.

4. Get a flu shot.

5. Teach kids to cough and sneeze into the crease of their elbow.

6. And if your kids are sick, keep them home.

7. Kids can keep their immune systems strong by getting plenty of sleep every night and eating a well-balanced diet.

8. Wash and sanitize kids' toys, wipe down books, and disinfect play areas .

Here's to a healthy and safe school year!

Back to school supplies inspiration:

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