Vulgar 'house for sale' sign slams Farmers Branch neighbor

Vulgar 'House For Sale' Sign Blasts Neighbor
Vulgar 'House For Sale' Sign Blasts Neighbor

FARMERS BRANCH, TX (CW33) — A Farmers Branch, Texas woman is raising the stakes in a battle with her neighbor. She put up a sign that reads, "House for sale by owner because my neighbor is a d*****bag!"

The sign on Pebble Beach Drive has become a bit of a must-see for folks who live around here.

The Price Family put up the sign after their neighbor complained about their barking dogs. Then a $121 fine came in the mail. That's when the sign went up.

Click through for more photos of the house:

Local cops and even a city councilman have asked them to take down the sign, but they won't because they say their neighbor is the "d" word.

"I travel by this house all the time as apart of my job, and I don't experience the dogs barking at anybody in an untoward way," said neighbor Jim Gay.

The Prices aren't happy about their next door neighbor aiming security cams into their back yard either. NewsFix reached out to the neighbor who has not returned our calls.

Well, if you're in the market for a new house, you might have to be willing to "love thy neighbor."

MY NEIGHBOR'S A DOU***BAG! Sooo wrong. But sooo funny.

Posted by NewsFix DFW on Friday, August 14, 2015
