90-year-old man rescues wife in wheelchair from fire


On Thursday, August 6, Arthur Schneider, a 90-year-old man from Asheboro, North Carolina, did something extremely heroic for his wife, Rosemary.

Rosemary is 89 years old and in a wheelchair, and the couple has been married for almost 70 years now. She has Parkinson's and dementia, and the couple's daughter, Bernadette Such, told ABC News:

%shareLinks-quote="He takes care of her, he does everything for her. She can feed herself. That's the only thing she can do." type="quote" author="Bernadette Such" authordesc="The Schneider's daughter" isquoteoftheday="false%

On Thursday evening, there was a bad storm, and lightning was suspected to have hit a transformer near the couple's home, sparking a fire.

Arthur Schneider recalls Rosemary being in her wheelchair in their bedroom, which is "far into the house."

He remembers the scene, and told ABC News:

%shareLinks-quote="And I was in there with her, tending to her. And all of a sudden there's this bolt of lightning, and I think the lightning must have hit the power in the house and blew the power out." type="quote" author="Arthur Schneider" authordesc="" isquoteoftheday="false%

The lights went out, and smoke seeped through the hallway from the kitchen.

Arthur guided Rosemary's wheelchair through the smoke and out onto their front porch. Since the couple's front porch doesn't have steps, Arthur couldn't take the wheelchair any further.

In an effort to save his wife's life, Arthur ran to the neighbors house -- which their daughter said it a distance of at least the length of a football field -- without his cane.

When asked about how he was able to run that far, Arthur said, "I guess God gives us a little strength when we need it."

The neighbor helped Arthur get Rosemary's wheelchair off of the porch, and fire trucks responded to the scene.

Arthur and Rosemary are living with their daughter now that their home is damaged from the fire, but thankfully, everyone is safe and sound.

See the video below for tips on practicing fire safety at home:

How To Practice Fire Safety in the Home
How To Practice Fire Safety in the Home

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