Restaurant shuts down iPhone addicts with this brilliant note

When the Wifi Goes Out
When the Wifi Goes Out

Given our obsession with technology these days, we typically assume that any restaurant we frequent will provide free Wi-Fi. Antonio's Trattoria Calabria, however, is Wi-Fi free.

The restaurant in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia explains their decision to cut customers off from their beloved cellular devices in a witty little note smack dab in the middle of their menu. The note reads:

"WE DO NOT HAVE WiFi. 'Malaysians are beginning to find out that their addiction to smartphones can lead to a host of problems. On top of the list are family meals where members hardly talk to each other as their attention is focused on the smartphones.' - The Star (February 12, 2012)"

Oh snap. It's actually quite clever for this restaurant to go Wi-Fi free. When was the last time you had a nice family meal without someone texting under the table, snapping a pic of the mouth-watering meal, or scrolling through Twitter while waiting for the check?

It's nice to be reminded that we go out to eat with people for a reason. Dining should be a social activity...not a social media activity. Name Rajwani, whose family owns the restaurant, told HuffPost:

"Something was very wrong: the sight of a family or a group of friends sitting down to a meal, with each person glued to his or her smartphone. Is that something we really wanted to encourage?"

The note in the menu certainly makes us think about our Wi-Fi reliance. While it might take some time to adjust, Wi-Fi free restaurants could really benefit our relationships!

Not too long ago, an editor at The Huffington Post contacted us regarding a page in our menu that many of you are...

Posted by Antonio's TTDI on Friday, August 7, 2015

What do you think about restaurants going Wi-Fi free? Let us know in the comments!

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