Anchor has an on-air meltdown about the media's obsession with the Kardashians

TV Anchor Walks Off Set Over Kardashian Story
TV Anchor Walks Off Set Over Kardashian Story

Anchors are under a lot of pressure and sometimes they slip up, providing us with hilarious bloopers.

Florida anchor John Brown was hosting Fox's "Good Day Orlando" and having a good day until he was confronted with the coverage of more news on the Kardashians. That's when he lost it.

Brown left his seat and walked off screen. A colleague promptly filled his place but the anchor kept ranting off screen that he was tired of hearing about the family.

The anchor later took to Facebook to explain his outburst, saying,

"Sorry, I lost my mind a bit, although it was partially in jest! I did feel better though after I was done."

Here is the footage posted on Facebook:

Here is the Kardashian rant. Sorry, I lost my mind a bit, although it was partially in jest! I did feel better though after I was done though.

Posted by John Brown at Fox 35 on Friday, August 7, 2015

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