These couples' workouts are so cute we literally can't even

Couple Summer Workout: Getting Fit With a Partner
Couple Summer Workout: Getting Fit With a Partner

There's no fitspiration like getting your sweat on with bae. As couples make an effort to get in shape for the rest of the summer, they lean on each other, sometimes literally, to make the daunting workout routines a bit more interesting.

Aside from getting strong and sexy with the swole-mate, using teamwork to reach your workout goals also strengthens the relationship. Plus, you get to indulge on a delicious dinner date when you're done.

The ways to get in shape with bae are endless. You can try some crazy couple's Yoga poses, attempt to be that picturesque couple jogging side by side down the street, or even turn your afternoon movie date into a SoulCycle outing. More and more adorable couples are taking to Instagram to show us how it's done.

Some of those Instagram pics and vids may be a bit intimidating, but with the right bae by your side there's no telling what you can achieve!

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