You can now turn your old smartphone into a hologram because the future

Bringing Holograms to Smartphones and Watches
Bringing Holograms to Smartphones and Watches

Tech innovations are all around us! We have drones, hover boards, and now hologram smartphones! Well, kind of.

British YouTuber Mrwhosetheboss uploaded a video this past weekend that is taking smartphone users by storm. The uploaded video shows how you could turn any old smartphone into a 3D hologram projector with simple tools probably laying around your house.

A sharp knife, a ruler, a pen and paper, an old CD case and four squares of tape are all that's needed to create the awesome futuristic hologram.

Check out the whole tutorial in the YouTube video below!

Pretty cool, right? If you're a Disney Channel fan from the late 90s, you're probably screaming "zetus lapetus," ala "Zenon Girl of the 20th Century."

Want more tech? Check out some awesome wearable technologies in the gallery below!

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