Video of officer confronting driver goes viral

Video of Officer Confronting Driver Goes Viral
Video of Officer Confronting Driver Goes Viral

SOUTH HOLLAND, Il. (WGNTV) -- A suburban police department says it is investigating a video posted online in which an officer confronts a driver after pulling him over.

Police say the video, which has been retweeted 22,000 times, doesn't tell the whole story.

Jordan James hit record Thursday as he was dropping off his cousin and the police pulled them over.

"As she was exiting the vehicle, two officers walked to the vehicle and they said, 'Open the door,' and I said 'No," James told WGN News. "They just pulled up and turned their lights on."

"When he opened the door I told him don't touch anything in the car," James said. "He still refused and ... he started in my backseat. Touching and moving stuff around when I told him not to do that because I wasn't under arrest. They didn't even tell me why I got pulled over. They just said it was because I'm me."

Lt. David Pedric of South Holland Police Dept. told WGN News, "What he did was basically bait the officer into making some answers on there and then edited the clip to make a 37 minute traffic stop into a short clip that's gone viral."

Police say even though the officer may have lost his cool there are two sides to every story.

"Once the truth comes out I'm sure everyone will see that the officer was conducting himself properly," Lt. Pedric said.

For Jordan, who admits has a history with this department, he says the one short clip online is just the start of the problems he and others have dealt with.
