Ireland passes law that allows trans people to legally choose their gender

Ireland Approves Gender Recognition Bill
Ireland Approves Gender Recognition Bill

While the transgender community has been in the news a lot lately, this recent development is groundbreaking: Last week, Ireland passed a law that allows transgender people to legally choose their gender.

More specifically, transgender people in Ireland can now legally change their gender without medical or state intervention.

This is groundbreaking considering the fact that most countries in Europe are extremely harsh about legal gender recognition for transgender people. Most countries in Europe require transgender people to undergo surgery and sterilization or be diagnosed with a mental disorder. Additionally, it is common for most European countries to require transgender people to get divorced if they are married.

The gender recognition bill makes Ireland the third European country -- after Malta and Denmark -- to allow transgender people over 18 to legally change their gender without intervention.

Ireland is making big moves for the LGBT community. See the gallery below for a photo gallery about gay marriage in Ireland:

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