South Australia wants to use underwater bombs to fix seal problem

Seal Harvest or Seal Slaughter?
Seal Harvest or Seal Slaughter?

Several different areas in the world have problems with seal populations. Just like Canada, with a state population of more than 100,000, South Australia's Coorong region has had a problem with the long-nosed fur seal population for quite some time now.

In fact, the population has gotten so out of control that the South Australian government is considering using explosives to scare the seals away from commercial fishing areas.

Animal rights groups and activists are not happy about this proposal, but South Australia is concerned about the seal population because the seals are deeply impacting fishermen: The seals attack the catches and nets of the fishermen.

Along with impacting the fishermen, the seals are also wiping out other wildlife in the area, including pelicans, swans and musk ducks.

Ian Hunter -- South Australia's Environment Minister -- is looking into options in an effort to reduce the seal population, one of them including the seal-deterring explosives -- also known as seal bombs.

%shareLinks-quote="​Removing single animals from certain areas simply leaves an opening for others to move in and take advantage of the available food." type="quote" author="Ian Hunter" authordesc="South Australia's Environment Minister" isquoteoftheday="false%

More simply, the seal bombs are basically firecrackers that are designed to explode underwater and scare the seals away from the fishing nets. While this could be effective (and it's more human than culling), there is a concern that the underwater bombs could wipe out other species.

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