New study finds that couples who drink together, stay together

Couples Who Drink Together Stay Together
Couples Who Drink Together Stay Together

A new study shows that a little booze might just be the glass slipper we've been seeking to create our perfect modern-day fairytale.

SUNY (State University of New York) Buffalo has concluded that couples who drink together stay together. Dr. Gregory Homish of SUNY Buffalo has spent the last decade studying the behavior and satisfactions of couples. He recently came to the conclusion that couples with similar vices (such as alcohol) and levels of engagement with such vices are likely to be content with their relationship. The correlation was especially prevalent for alcohol consumption. In other words, booze with your boo for a successful relationship!

This isn't to say that if couples who don't enjoy drinking start consuming more alcohol, their marriage will improve. It simply suggests that those who appreciate being wined and, well, more wined, should stick with spouses with the same appreciation for alcohol.

Homish's study followed more than 600 couples as they embarked on their new marriages. The couples filled out a questionnaire before their wedding and repeated the questionnaire after one, two, four, and seven years of marriage. The study found that couples with different drinking habits became dissatisfied with one another more easily than couples who enjoy drinking together.

One might assume that couples who drink profusely together would dig themselves into a downward spiral as alcohol is a depressant. However, the study surprisingly yielded the opposite as true.

Perhaps these couples are just too drunk to bother fighting which is why they've made it through the long haul. Regardless, they're doing something right! Cheers to the happy (and tipsy) couples!

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