This great man humiliated the KKK with his beloved tuba

KKK Rally Gets Dumb Soundtrack It Deserves From Sousaphone-Playing Protester
KKK Rally Gets Dumb Soundtrack It Deserves From Sousaphone-Playing Protester

American hero Matt Buck humiliated the Ku Klux Klan using his prized possession: a tuba.

Buck brought his sousaphone to a Klan rally on Saturday and walking alongside the KKK members on their way toward the South Carolina State House while playing a slow rendition of Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries."

The video (above) of his short yet loud protest has gone viral with 3.6 million views since Tuesday morning. Buck stopped playing when the KKK reached the State House grounds, but not because he felt threatened by the Klan in any way. He assured The Daily Beast:

"I only stopped once they turned onto the State House grounds because I didn't know if I was allowed to keep going. Plus, it was like 100 degrees out."

Buck, who hasn't played his tuba much since college when he studied music at the University of South Carolina, has not only become an American hero since the video went viral, but also a musical sensation. He told The Daily Beast:

"I've had a couple independent music companies wanting to offer me products. Chris Hayes (of MSNBC) wanted to put me on the show (on Tuesday). Who knows what'll happen. It's kind of a roller coaster."

Buck was quite selective with his song choices. He said:

"That first little ditty was a little marching baseline. It's a very lethargic one that they used to use in old Looney Tunes cartoons. It got really popular in 'Family Guy' when Stewie quits his day job to start following a fat guy around all day long while playing it."

Simply replace the fat guy with the KKK and Buck is like a real-life Stewie! Nothing like a little humor to completely humiliate the KKK. His second song choice cut a bit deeper to the bone. He said:

"Then there's Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkyries.' In movies, it's used as sort of a ride of the bad guys. In 'Blues Brothers,' they use it to make fun of the Nazis. So I thought it'd be fun to make fun of the KKK the way they did with the Nazis in the movies."

Unfortunately, some of the Klan members weren't enlightened enough to fully understand what Buck was doing. Nevertheless, his message came across to millions loud and clear. Buck and his friends are even considering starting up an anti-hate tuba collective. He told The Daily Beast:

"We're thinking about calling it 'Tuba Libre.' Maybe 'Tuba Gooding Jr.'"

Musical comedy is clearly effective in stripping away the dignity of absurd and dense hate groups. Buck said:

"If this becomes a thing whenever somebody does something stupid in public, then I'm all for it. Far too often, people get away with being idiots. And it's a little easier to play notes to stop them than to form sentences."

It clearly pays off to have a sousaphone handy while in the right place at the right time.

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