This man built a voice-controlled, panoramic man cave in the sky

Not Your Typical Man Cave
Not Your Typical Man Cave

This is the ultimate tech man cave: it's voice controlled, it's solar powered, it's panoramic, and it's 33 feet up in the air.

The usual basement with a home theater, pool table, fridge and recliner was not enough for this guy.

33 year-old plastic engineer and graphic designer Jono Williams built the Skysphere, an alien looking tower where he can connect with his inner self.

According to Inhabitat:

%shareLinks-quote="The Skysphere was dreamed up in a night and completed 3,000 man hours and 3 years later" type="spreadWord"%

"The ultimate man cave to me is to have beers served to your hand while you're sitting on the couch. The arm rest has a coaster that goes down then comes back up with a beer on it, a good entertainment system, PlayStation, all being 10 meters up in the air with a cool view."

The cost of the project was about $50,000 dollars.

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