3 refreshing summer smoothies you have to make on a hot day

Learn How to Make Dr. Oz's Healthy Berry Smoothie
Learn How to Make Dr. Oz's Healthy Berry Smoothie

by Lisa Lozano

So it's hot where you live. Really hot. You need to cool off, but you don't want to hit the coffee shop because you know those blended drinks are packed with calories. We have the perfect solution – three delicious and refreshing smoothies you can make at home. And the best part – they're all healthy so they won't sabotage your summer fitness goals!

Dr. Oz's Total 10 Berry Smoothie

This smoothie features nutrient-dense berries, half a banana, vanilla almond milk, Omega-3 rich flaxseed oil, protein powder and ice, resulting in a cool and calorie-conscious summer beverage.

Melissa d'Arabian's Banana Mango Smoothie

Melissa D'Arabian's banana mango smoothie has two hidden ingredients – white beans and walnuts! The beans and walnuts will add protein and fiber to an already nutritious treat.

Travis Stork's Nutty Berry Smoothie

Travis Stork's nutty berry smoothie couldn't be easier or simpler to make. The only ingredients are berries, peaches (or another soft fruit), banana, nut butter and milk or yogurt, all items you likely already have at home. So if you're craving a frosty treat, just head to your kitchen and whip this up!

So the next time it's hot and you want a cool drink, skip the coffee shop or fast food drive through and make yourself the perfect summer smoothie at home!

Click through for more delicious summer smoothie recipes:

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