Rain calms California fire that jumped freeway, burned cars

California Fire That Jumped Interstate 15 Calms Overnight
California Fire That Jumped Interstate 15 Calms Overnight

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Rain is calming a fast-moving wildfire that sent people running for their lives when flames swept across a California freeway and destroyed 20 cars.

The storm on Saturday brought relief to crews fighting the fire burning in a mountainous area 55 miles northeast of Los Angeles.

The fire swept across Interstate 15 on Friday, destroying the vehicles before burning three homes and 44 more vehicles in the community of Baldy Mesa. It has blackened 5.5 square miles.

Photos from the wildfire:

Firefighters are focusing on protecting some 700 homes in the area. About 2,800 people were evacuated.

The rain is also helping slow the spread of another wildfire that broke out Friday about 20 miles away in the San Gabriel Mountains. That fire forced hundreds of campers to evacuate, including a Girl Scout troop.
