What is your definition of beauty? Q&A with #BeautyConLA's Profresh Style



What isthe definition of beauty? Is it chilling in sweatpants with no makeup on? Is it feeling like a boss in a full face, fake eyelashes and hair extensions? Recently, we were able to attend the largest beauty event in Los Angeles, BeautyCon LA, where we got to test some of the latest products and listen to many of the industry's biggest influencers. We even met the adorably flawless pup, Jiff Pom, who only proves that beauty truly does come in different shapes, colors and sizes.

We spoke to our favorite cool-girl Christina Topacio (also known as the incredible Profresh Style) and Marketing Director of BeautyCon to tell us more about the event and her definition of beauty.

Chill vibes. #BeautyConLA ✌🏽

A photo posted by Christina πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Profresh Style (@profreshstyle) on Jul 13, 2015 at 12:56pm PDT

AOL: What stood out from this year's BeautyCon?

Christina Topacio: E​ach season BeautyCon fans stand out to us; how kind they are to ​one another, how friendly each girl is and how each girl and guy comes dressed to impress. It's no surprise here that BeautyCon fans feel comfortable expressing their true selves, "come as you are" and how excited they are to meet new friends. That is the most rewarding feeling to know that friends were made, each BeautyCon.

AOL: What do you hope attendees gain from the event -- whether they're aspiring beauty industry professionals or just fans?

CT: More than anything, I think BeautyCon gains so much from these fans; their energy, their spark, their enthusiasm and their passion. Without those voices and expressions and beauty, BeautyCon ​would not be what it is today.

%shareLinks-quote=" I hope when BeautyCon fans come to the festival that they feel inspired to create, inspired to discuss, inspired to be themselves." type="quote" author="Christina Topacio" authordesc=" Marketing Director, BeautyCon" isquoteoftheday="false"%

AOL:What is your favorite beauty trend this season (or your least favorite)?

​CT: Favorite beauty trend isn't really a trend I suppose. I'm really into hair back out of the face (sleek with some baby hairs) and a natural face. Bronzed skin with a fresh eye. There's something so flawless about less. I love that people get to express themselves regardless of season. I was talking to a fan [at BeautyCon] who shared with me that burgundy/wine is in at all times. I was wearing a wine lip. I was satisfied to know she approved. ​

AOL:What is the best beauty advice you've ever received and from whom?

​CT: Best beauty advice would be a random blog post I found on a girl's blog that isn't around anymore -- it was to wash your face with light soap, cleanse, and moisturize. Who knew the simplest advice would get me so far? Oh, and no dairy. Dairy murders my face. ​

AOL: What is your definition of beauty?

​CT: Definition of beauty is owning who you are. Acne, moles, dimples, freckles, minimal brows, crooked teeth are all little bits of goodness about someone. But, really, beauty is about being a dope person -- being good to people.

%shareLinks-quote="There's nothing uglier than someone who is just nasty, mean and not nice." type="quote" author="Christina Topacio" authordesc="Marketing Director, BeautyCon" isquoteoftheday="false"%

Christina, who recently made headlines for her response to a man who told her she needed to lose weight, further proves to us we have to own whatever type of body, freckles, hair, and big feet we are given. And unless something is a threat to our health, we have to own our curves and other things we see as "imperfections" with confidence. And that, is the true definition of beauty.

He's like: yo, you got a sunset in your shades I'm like: yo, you got some corny in your teeth. πŸ™…πŸ’πŸ™‹

A photo posted by Christina πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Profresh Style (@profreshstyle) on Apr 3, 2015 at 8:38pm PDT

BeautyCon is also hosted in other major cities including Dallas and New York and recently went international, hosting a festival in London this past May.

What is your definition of beauty? Sound off in the comments below!

See the celebrities and industry influencers who attended the event:
