'That's Not Cool' campaign educates teens on dating violence

1 in 3 Teens Experience Dating Violence, Study Says
1 in 3 Teens Experience Dating Violence, Study Says

Almost 50 percent of teens admit to being the victim of some kind of dating violence, whether it be mental, physical, emotional or digital.

In fact, 1.5 million high school students in the U.S. are victims of physical dating violence per year, and the CDC estimates that one in three teenage girls experience some form of dating abuse.

Thankfully, a new ad campaign 'That's Not Cool' is trying to make a difference by using videos to educate teens about dating violence. The brains behind the digital campaign hope to get teens engaged and involved in the important conversation and issues that surround dating violence.

The campaign will use several different digital platforms, implementing YouTube, Kik, and a Tinder-like quiz, where teens will be able to swipe left of right to share how they feel about certain dating scenarios. YouTube star Meghan Rienks (with 1.7 million subscribers) will also participate in the campaign.

While the 'That's Not Cool' site is currently under construction, it will fully launch in the fall, and we can't wait to see what kind of impact it makes!

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