This fitness fad is so trendy it got it's own reality television show

'Hollywood Cycle' Changes the Fitness Game
'Hollywood Cycle' Changes the Fitness Game

Spinning studios SoulCycle, Flywheel, and Peloton have taken the country by storm with their calorie-crushing workouts and trendy, music-fused settings. But no trend can officially call itself the real deal without a reality TV drama to show for it.

That's exactly why E! debuted its new reality series "Hollywood Cycle" on July 9. Spin culture has reached the highest possible level on the west coast. In fact, some people call it somewhat cult-ish. There's nothing like a trendy cult mixed with hot bodies and a dash of drama to glue TV consumers to their screens.

The show stars Cycle House instructors Nick Houslow, Nichelle Hines and her brother Aaron. Of course, the show includes much-wanted tidbits on the instructors' personal lives in addition to their professional world. Aaron is particularly known to mix work with pleasure. We don't blame him after sneaking a peak at the studio's female clientele. We now get to watch this highly entertaining show while sweating it out at the gym! Talk about inspiration.

The show also features three trainees competing to become Cycle House's next instructors at the studio's new Santa Monica location. May the best biker win!

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