Unusual survey finds 'most American' states

Is Your State the 'Most American'?
Is Your State the 'Most American'?

There are 50 states in the United States of America. And while they're all undoubtedly American, some may wonder which is the most American.

Worry not, Estately's got you covered. The real estate brokerage compiled a list of the most American states using unorthodox criteria.

Take the first one, for example — bald eagles per square mile.

Nothing quite more American than that, of course. Alaska ranked first for most eagles, but that wasn't quite enough to make it the most American state.

Another criteria — fast food.

Although Nevada ranked number one in fast food restaurants per capita, it wasn't the most American either.

Of course, if you're going to talk about the most American state then you'll have to take into account the percentage of homes with firearms as well.

Another criteria used was Google searches for 'Bin Laden dead.'

Throw in a couple Olympic gold medalists, astronauts and total Major League Baseball players and you get the most American state in the U.S. So which is it?

By the standards of Estately's beancounters, Iowa had the most American combination of bald eagles, fast food joints, firearms and everything else.

A close second was Ohio, followed by West Virginia.

And while it may have reigned supreme in fast food places, Nevada ended up last by Estately's standards.

The whole study was a little subjective, of course, so it's not the definitive list for which state is actually more American.
