Are we under a cyber attack?

New York Stock Exchange Halts Trading After Technical Issue
New York Stock Exchange Halts Trading After Technical Issue

July 8 just may go down in history as the day the United States went under a cyber attack. It all started when United Airlines suffered a network connectivity issue that grounded all of its flights in the morning. While the issue originally seemed exclusive to United Airlines, the Wall Street Journal soon got hit just as hard.

When attempting to access the notorious news site, readers were met with a dreaded "Oops, something went wrong!" message. Not only is the tech world facing a crisis, but our favorite news outlets aren't even able to write about it!

Finally, the New York Stock Exchange was temporarily shut down over a technical glitch. They had to shut down all trading abruptly in the late morning because a technical malfunction froze computers on the market's trading floor.

Twitter fiends are flocking to their preferred social media outlet to, quite frankly, completely freak out. Suspicions are rising as this tech bug swarms the country, hitting one major technical outlet at a time. If the country really is being hacked, it just goes to show how vulnerable our tech-reliant generation really is.

Alas, there is hope for this country after all. Sources have told Bloomberg that the technical glitches are not likely caused by a nation-wide cyber attack. In addition, the New York Stock Exchange officially tweeted that their technical glitch has nothing to do with a cyber breach. That was a close one.

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