This inspiring Old Navy selfie is breaking the Internet for the best possible reason


When wedding photographer Rachel Taylor was put down about her size, she didn't let the negative comments ruin her confidence. Instead, she showed the Facebook world just how well she can rock a plus-size tank top.

On July 3rd, Taylor posted a full-body selfie on her Facebook page in an Old Navy dressing room. She's sporting a patriotic tank in the pic and looks pretty darn fabulous. The story behind the selfie, however, is what's inspiring people across all social media platforms as the selfie goes viral and breaks the Internet.

Taylor decided to share a very personal and difficult situation she found herself in while shopping at Old Navy. Many people face these same kinds of devastating encounters on a daily basis, so by sharing her story Taylor spread empathy and support for others as well. Her caption next to the selfie reads:

"Today I was shopping in Old Navy, standing between a teenage girl and her mom. The girl picked up a plus-size tank top, showed it to her mom and said, 'Look! Me and So-and-so can fit in this tank top!' Her mom laughed and said, 'Yeah, you could! That thing is huge!'"

Unfortunately, the girl and her mother didn't realize that the shirt was Taylor's size. She didn't want to let the family's somewhat ignorant yet unintentionally offensive comments bother her, but their comments really hit home for her. She left the store with a deflated ego and got into her car where her husband was waiting. Her caption continues:

"I couldn't help it; I started crying. I guess the girl and her mom walked away. I have no idea. I sat in the car crying for a long time but eventually went back inside to finish my shopping."

Thank goodness Taylor went back to the store because she absolutely works that tank way better than the skinny girl dissing it ever could. As soon as she put the shirt on, her confidence came rushing back full-force. Her selfie caption concludes:

%shareLinks-quote="I ended up buying that tank top because, it turns out, I look fierce in it!" type="quote" author="Rachel Taylor" authordesc="" isquoteoftheday=%

She certainly does look fierce. We hope Taylor rocked the tank on the 4th of July and felt beautiful, confident, and sexy the whole time. You go, Rachel Taylor!

Watch this inspiring video on empowerment to learn how to love your body:

This Inspiring Video About Empowerment Will Teach You to Love Your Body
This Inspiring Video About Empowerment Will Teach You to Love Your Body

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