Disney's Gaston killed launching firework from his head

Maine Man Dies After Launching Firework From Top of His Head
Maine Man Dies After Launching Firework From Top of His Head

Disney worker Devon Staples died in Calais, Maine on Saturday after setting off a firework from his head. The 22-year-old dressed as Gaston from "Beauty and the Beast" at Florida's Disney World.

Staples was reportedly drinking with friends on Saturday night to celebrate U.S. Independence Day. He placed a rocket on his head, threatening to light it in what his friends believe was a joking manner. Staples' friends urged him not to light to rocket. Seconds later, he was instantly killed by the blast.

Staples' brother Cody, 25, was also at the scene. He insists that his brother did not mean to light the rocket and was just playing around. He said to New York Daily News:

%shareLinks-quote="Devon was not the kind of person who would do something stupid. He was the kind of person who would pretend to do something stupid to make people laugh." type="quote" author="Cody Staples" authordesc="" isquoteoftheday=%

Cody went on to describe how quickly the event took place. He said:

"There was no rushing him to the hospital. There was no Devon left when I got there."

Devon is the first person to die in a firework-related incident since fireworks were made legal in Maine in 2012.

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