Man jailed for not paying $749 cab fare

Man Jailed for Not Paying $749 Cab Fare
Man Jailed for Not Paying $749 Cab Fare

A Brooklyn man was jailed for not paying a $749 cab fare. It sounds absurd right? No. He took a cab 300 miles and didn't have any money.

Brooklyn man John S. Williams is charged with theft of services because police say he took a taxi from Philadelphia to Uniontown, PA. Apparently Williams and his children made the five plus hour ride to surprise his fiancee. When the driver asked for the $749 fare, Williams reportedly told him he didn't have any money and his credit cards were maxed out.

Police were called, the children were left with the woman they were going to see and Williams is in custody on $2,500 bail.

This would be totally valid if it was another one of Uber's notoriously evil "surge pricing" situations, but this guy was in a cab for over 5 hours! He knew exactly what he was doing and clearly didn't think ahead. It's kinda hard to pull a dine and dash when instead of leaving a restaurant without paying, the person you're ditching has a car.
