Jim Carrey posts Twitter rant against new CA vaccine law

Jim Carrey Posts Twitter Rant Against New CA Vaccine Law
Jim Carrey Posts Twitter Rant Against New CA Vaccine Law

An unexpected celebrity has come out against a new California law.

Jim Carrey posted a series of tweets criticizing Governor Jerry Brown's approval of the bill requiring vaccines for children even if their families are morally or religiously opposed.

The actor's first message read, "California Gov says yes to poisoning more children with mercury and aluminum in manditory vaccines. This corporate fascist must be stopped."

He then goes on to emphasize that he is, in fact, in favor of vaccines but against the neurotoxins that he claims they contain.

The issue has been a hotly debated one, with some parents arguing that the disease-fighting medicine causes autism and other problems in children while the opposing side contends that selective adoption threatens public health.

The recent legislative action was prompted by a measles outbreak that began at Disneyland in December and spread to more than 130 people.

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