WATCH: Husky and kitten are the cutest besties of all time


It's not just the summer heat that's making us melt today. Nothing pulls at the heartstrings like a home video set to Phil Collins' "You'll Be in My Heart." Especially when the video spotlights the unique friendship between a husky and a kitten. The dynamic duo defines #squadgoals.

As Lilo the husky protectively and compassionately licks baby Rosie's head and face, we find ourselves getting uncharacteristically emotional. Maybe it's the music or maybe it's exhaustion, but we can't help but think the story of these unlikely besties is tearing us apart in the best way possible.

Don't even get us starting on the cuddling. As we watch Lilo's wet nose nudging Rosie's fluffy white belly, we're not sure which animal we envy more. We seriously want to get in on this Lilo and Rosie sandwich!

As Lilo battles to stay awake, it seems that Rosie's unparalleled energy keeps the husky young and vibrant. There's no time to sleep when there are so many cuddles to be had!

Watch this video to learn the full story behind Lilo and Rosie's adorable relationship:

This Kitten Is Being Raised Like A Dog
This Kitten Is Being Raised Like A Dog

See more adorable dog and cat BFFs:

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