Decoded: 'Thirsty Thursday'


Could Thursday be the new Friday? College students seem to think so.

The alliterative term "Thirsty Thursday" gained popularity on college campuses when many people did not have early morning classes on Fridays, giving them an excuse to celebrate the start of the weekend a bit early. Celebratory shenanigans, which almost always involve alcohol, include throwing house parties or dressing up with friends and going to the hottest clubs in town.

But you don't have to be a young 20-something to take in all that "Thirsty Thursday" has to offer! Fun activities include grabbing a cold beer and relaxing on the couch or heading to your favorite Happy Hour spot with co-workers. The beauty of "Thirsty Thursday"? You only have to wait a week till the next celebration! So go ahead, grab that ice cold brew and drink to the fact that it's almost Friday!

Here are some ways people have used the phrase on social media:
