Lions among species at extinction risk in updated IUCN red list

Lions Among Species At Extinction Risk In Updated IUCN Red List
Lions Among Species At Extinction Risk In Updated IUCN Red List

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has updated its list of the world's threatened species, and it now includes nearly 23 thousand entries.

Listings range from lions to orchids, and a primary cause across the board was loss of habitat to development projects including roads, farms, and cities.

In the case of lions, other threats to their survival include vanishing prey and overactive hunting by humans.

Also causing concern is the increasing popularity of their body parts for use in traditional health remedies.

Lions are considered to be threatened around the world, but those in western Africa have been labeled "critically endangered."

In further bad news, lion populations in the eastern regions of Africa, an area where the animals had proven to be particularly resilient, have experienced a significant decline.

The report also came with uplifting news concerning big cats.

Research has shown that the Iberian lynx, once deemed to be the most endangered of all felines, is rebounding.

With a current population of approximately 150, their numbers have grown by over 100 since 2002.

They've been moved off of the critical list, but are still considered endangered.
