'Transparent' truck lets drivers see ahead of that big semi

'Transparent' Truck Lets Drivers See Ahead of That Big Semi
'Transparent' Truck Lets Drivers See Ahead of That Big Semi

Aren't sure if you can overtake that giant semi ahead of you because you can't see around it? What if you could see in front of it?

Samsung's Safety Truck could revolutionize road safety and potentially save lives. The Safety Truck incorporates a built-in, wireless camera in the front that beams to 4 giant screens on the back to display its front view to cars behind it. With this vantage point, Samsung hopes you'll be able to make better decisions about whether you can actually overtake the truck.

Samsung also hopes the cameras will reduce the risk of accidents caused by sudden breaking or animals crossing in the road. Another benefit, it even works at night! Which could keep drivers awake if they're looking at a bright screen instead of a dark road.

Samsung says Argentina has one of the highest car accident rates in the world, with most of them involving passing on two-lane roads. But if the Safety Truck is put into production, Samsung says those rates could decrease dramatically.

Right now, Samsung says the Safety Truck is still only a prototype and not operational yet, but the company says it's working to get the necessary permits and approvals, although cost-efficiently could be an issue when installing screens on the backs of all their trucks.

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