Woman could face jail time for saving a dog in Peru

Mujer Podría Ser Demandada Por Salvar a Un Perro En Perú
Mujer Podría Ser Demandada Por Salvar a Un Perro En Perú

Editor's Note: The video above is in Spanish, and a clear illustration of what you see in the video is explained below in English.

This video of a woman who saved a dog from the Metro de Lima train tracks, has sparked a viral debate.

Her actions have earned her the title of hero, and also a possible lawsuit.

The dog belonged to the woman in red. He escaped her clutches and somehow ended up on the train tracks. In the video, you can see the dog desperately trying to jump back up, but they're unable to catch him.

Impatient that no one was going down there to save the pup, the woman in teal risked herself to save him.

Metro personnel say that although they recognize that the woman was trying to help, going down onto the tracks is illegal.

Prevenir antes que lamentar. Espera la llegada de los trenes detrás de la línea amarilla, así evitarás accidentes.#MetroDeLimaTeCuida

Posted by Metro de Lima on Jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

Translation: Prevent rather than regret. Wait for the train to arrive behind the yellow line and avoid accidents.

According to article 215 of the Peruvian penal code, "anyone found guilty of compromising the safety of the train tracks, will be punished with 6 months or up to 6 years in prison."

People are indignant over the treatment of this heroic woman and are offering legal help should Metro de Lima decide to press charges.

The discussion on social media is also heated with people saying they can't believe no one else jumped to action.

Translation: If she didn't save [the dog] it would have been inhumane. Heck, she saved the dog and that's it ... she would have taken precautions, don't you think?

Translation: What an inefficient administrator, in a case such as this the rules are put aside to save the life of an animal.

Translation: The level of a legend: There is hope in humanity!

Do you think the woman should go to jail?

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