Nepal earthquake moved Mount Everest 1.2 inches

Nepal Earthquake Moved Mount Everest By 1.2 Inches
Nepal Earthquake Moved Mount Everest By 1.2 Inches

In yet another indicator of the power of the April 25th earthquake that devastated parts of Nepal, the Chinese geologists are reporting that the quake moved Mount Everest by 3 centimeters or about 1.2 inches.

Based on data from a monitoring system setup in 2005, China's National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation notes that the mountain had been moving northeast at the rate of four centimeters or 1.6 inches annually.

The April earthquake changed its course of movement causing Everest to shift in the southwest direction. Its height, however, remained unchanged.

According to CNN, the area around the mountain experienced several avalanches that were triggered by the quake and a number of climbers lost their lives.

In total, the 7.8-magnitude earthquake left over 8,000 people dead and tens of thousands injured.
