Friday Fails: Tinder Edition


They say fortune favors the bold, but some Tinder users take "bold" to a whole new level.

Both young and old have used the dating app to find their perfect match. The concept is simple – swipe right on your mobile device if the person catches your eye, or left if you have absolutely no interest in the person. If you both happen to swipe right, Tinder will connect you both through a messaging feature. But here's a disclaimer: Some pretty crazy things can happen when you swipe right!

While some can claim their Tinder game reigns supreme, we unfortunately can't say the same for these folks.

Here are some of the most cringeworthy Tinder fails, courtesy of this Instagram account:

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A post shared by Unspirational (@tindernightmares) on Jun 11, 2015 at 5:48pm PDT
