Scientists find a whale inside a whale that was eaten by a shark

Scientists Find A Whale Inside A Whale That Was Eaten By A Shark
Scientists Find A Whale Inside A Whale That Was Eaten By A Shark

Paleontologists in Egypt uncovered an ancient underwater version of a turducken. (For those of you who have never heard the majestic term, that's a turkey inside a duck inside a chicken. They get popular around Thanksgiving and Christmas when people try to master the crazy meal.)

Scientists discovered the remains of a giant 40-million-year-old whale with another whale inside. They discovered these fossils near a collection of shark teeth, indicating that sharks may have feasted on this whale within a whale.

Egypt's Ministry of Environment posted photos of the find on Facebook, explaining that the giant whale, known as the basilosaurus, may have eaten the smaller whale, or it could have been a fetus.

Basilosaurus lived about 35 million years ago and was initially thought to be a reptile because of its functional hind limbs. Roughly 400 skeletons from reptiles and mammals have been identified at this archaeological site, in what used to be a shoreline.

This recent find not only yields an interesting story, but according to the environment minister, the basilosaurus fossils found include the smallest vertebras of the tail, making it the only complete skeleton of its kind in the world.

Egypt FindTheData
