The floodwaters were bad enough: Now, they're dealing with THIS

Updated -- The deadly Southern Plains floods have brought residents a lot closer to scary creatures like snakes and alligators, but it has also introduced them to another gross phenomenon.

Worms are banding together as they try to survive the overpowering floodwaters and clumping on roadways, according to ABC News. The worms look like piles of spaghetti.

"We're still puzzled why they decided to line up in the middle of the road. Even our biologist doesn't know why they're spaced so well and in the line," Ben Herman, park superintendent at Eisenhower State Park in North Texas, near the Oklahoma border, told ABC News.

(MORE: Ranchers Rush To Save Cattle From Floodwaters)

Park officials told ABC News they think the worms banded together for one of two reasons: They were either forced onto the street by rising floodwaters, or the constant pounding of rainfall on the ground may have caused the animals to think predators were nearby. Therefore, they fled the area and clumped together for safety.

The mass worm migration has been seen only at Eisenhower State Park, Herman said in the report. The worms stayed in the middle of the road for two days before heading back into the soil, leaving nothing but their waste behind.

The month-long flooding disaster that has swamped much of the Southern Plains has killed more 30 people have died. There's one piece of good news about the record-shattering rainfall: The worst of a long-term drought in the region has ended.
