Annual Houston sandcastle competition draws crowds

Annual Houston Sandcastle Competition in Galveston, Texas
Annual Houston Sandcastle Competition in Galveston, Texas

Art is timeless.

That's the idea, at least. But not last weekend on the beach at Galveston, Texas, where the 29th annual Houston Sandcastle Competition was held ... stretching as far as the eye could see.

The weather was ideal as sixty teams of amateurs and architects raced to mold sand into works of sculpture.

Then the teams could relax while the judges pondered their verdicts. When all was said and sanded, the bronze shovel for third place went to "Beauty and the Beachslayer."

The second place silver shovel was awarded to "Drift Outside the Shell."

And the winner of the prestigious gold shovel for first place overall went to "Jurassic Seuss."

They weren't the only winners though.

The most complex award went to "Positive/Negative," the most lifelike and realistic to "Medusa," and "Left Shark" was the public's favorite.

How long the sand sculptures last is totally up to Mother Nature.

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