This dental student removed his own wisdom teeth by looking in the mirror

Wisdom Teeth Surgery: The Aftermath
Wisdom Teeth Surgery: The Aftermath

That's what it would look like if you went to the dentist and had your wisdom teeth removed. This however, was not the case for one dental student.

Jesper Ryltoft, dental student at Aarhus School of Dentistry in Denmark, skipped the trip to the dentist and decided to perform the surgery himself using just a mirror. Yes, himself.

The video below is not for the faint of heart. Ryltoft even commented on the video with a PSA instructing others to not follow his lead. He stated that he was a dental student, and he did the procedure using the proper equipment. I think it's safe to say, we won't.

Going to the dentist is scary for some, but not viral sensation David! Check out the pics below from his hilarious trip after the dentist.

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