Here are the countries where ISIS recruits come from


ISIS Foreign Recruits Around the World InsideGov

ISIS has successfully recruited from around the globe to join its cause to create an Islamic State group in the Middle East, and newly-uncovered data give us new insight into where those new devotees have come from.

The information collected by FindTheBest and suggests more than 2,000 recruits have come from Tunisia and Saudi Arabia. But western countries have spawned a fair share as well, with an estimated 1,200 recruits coming from France and another 600 each from Germany and the United Kingdom.

Meanwhile, Russia is thought to have contributed anywhere from 800-1,500 ISIS recruits.

IS Revamps Recruitment, With Savvy, Professional Broadcasts
IS Revamps Recruitment, With Savvy, Professional Broadcasts

The United States is estimated to have 100 potential defectors, similar to Canada and Australia, which are thought to have contributed anywhere from 100-250 ISIS recruits.

Explore the global heat map above to learn more about the increasing presence of ISIS recruits from around the world.

Related slideshow: ISIS recruits
