Grab your sneakers for National Running Day

Grab Your Sneakers For National Running Day
Grab Your Sneakers For National Running Day

The time has come to grab your sneakers and hit the pavement. National Running Day is the first Wednesday in June and, according to a website devoted to the day, it's the perfect time "for runners to reaffirm their passion for running and it is also a good day for beginners to begin a life-changing commitment to running."If you're like me and wouldn't run from someone mugging you on the sidewalk, here are some reasons to get moving.

It's a stress reliever. says running boosts feel-good chemical serotonin levels in the brain. They don't call it a runner's high for nothing.

The benefits for your body go beyond losing weight. According to running is known to increase good cholesterol, decrease your risk of developing blood clots, boost your immune system and even reduce the risk of breast cancer in women.

It can even increase your lifespan. says running just 5 minutes everyday can add three more years to your life.

Now, even if you run like Forrest Gump you can still cramp up. Runner's World says eating the right foods at the right times will help you avoid getting a stitch in your side but those amounts vary depending on how long you're running.

If all the healthy and mood boosting benefits of running doesn't inspire you to kick up dust on the road maybe this will: Harriette Thompson just completed San Diego's Rock 'n' Roll Marathon - that's 26.2 miles. Harriette is 92-years-old and officially the oldest woman to ever complete a marathon.
