4 ways to save money on your workout routine

Step to This Simple Fitness Trend
Step to This Simple Fitness Trend


Want an amazing body in time for bathing suit season but don't want to splurge on an expensive gym membership? Biggest Loser coach Bob Harper shares four ingenious ways that you can get fit without spending a fortune.

No. 1: Negotiate with Your Gym

Gyms want you as a client, so you can leverage that to ask for the package you want. Bob advises asking them to throw in free personal training as a bonus to make it more worth your while.

No. 2: A Chair Can be a Fitness Tool

Use household objects that you already own as workout tools. Bob shows you how to do a "tricep dip" to work off jiggly arms using a basic kitchen chair.

No. 3: Pushups are Free

You don't need a gym to do pushups and they are great for toning and strengthening.

Tip: Don't be afraid to do pushups on your knees. No shame!

No. 4: Partner Up

There are lots of resistance-training exercises that you can do with a partner, and no gym is required. Watch to see what Bob suggests!

What's your favorite way to work out for free? Tell us in the comments and watch more with Bob below.
