Google wants to make using apps obsolete

Watch the 2-Hour Google I/O Keynote in Under 2 Minutes
Watch the 2-Hour Google I/O Keynote in Under 2 Minutes

Google showed off a plethora of technologies at their I/O developer conference keynote on Thursday. From virtual reality, to the smart-home, Google is really cranking out some new ways to experience the digital world. The most important announcement the company made yesterday is a new course that is set to making apps obsolete. This course is called Google Now and will strive to get users back on the internet over using the app-based interface we have all adapted to.

Google Now pulls users away from apps which are each created to complete a specific task. Whether it be an app for booking flights, checking out a specific clothing brand, or even apps for the news, Google Now wants to break the barrier between apps being used for a specific task, and open a platform that brings whatever information needed by the user. The Google Tap feature will also allow you to highlight anything you are currently doing, and avoid juggling between apps. For example, if you are looking to send a text about a concert you are attending next Saturday, a tap and hold will bring up information to give you a "smart reminder card" to remind you that you are booked for that day.

Google Hosts Its I/O Developers Conference
Google Hosts Its I/O Developers Conference

This could be an extremely helpful resource to users and is looking to get rid of the need to leave whatever app you are in to open another to complete a specific task. Google's new innovative way to help users work from one interface could be a real game changer in the tech world, and could become a vital part of the mobile interface.

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