'God's not finished with me yet,' Oklahoma trooper talks about surviving crash

'God's Not Finished With Me Yet,' Trooper Shares Remarkable Survival Story
'God's Not Finished With Me Yet,' Trooper Shares Remarkable Survival Story

(KFOR) TILLMAN COUNTY, Okla. — An Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper is sharing his remarkable story of survival.

Trooper Gary Sanders was critically injured in a Tillman County accident back in March. Sanders was in his cruiser when a driver crashed into him. The impact sent his car into the vehicle he had pulled over just minutes before the crash.

The accident left Trooper Sanders with broken bones and major internal injuries, but after numerous surgeries and support from his family and community, he is already back up and walking.

NewsChannel 4 sat down with Trooper Sanders on Wednesday. He told us it is hard to think back on the accident that nearly took his life.

"Looking at it, I should have died," Sanders cried.

On dash-cam video, you can see him in the middle of a traffic stop when the unexpected happens.

"When I walked back from the car after I made my contact with the driver and I was walking back, I seen the gentleman coming up the highway just like any other traffic. I never saw him about to strike me," Trooper Sanders said.

Sanders was trapped for nearly 40 minutes. He was rushed to a hospital where he was in a coma for several days. When he woke up, he began remembering what happened.

Some say it is a miracle that he survived. In response to that, Trooper Sanders said, "If you want to use the term miracle, yes. I just say God's not finished with me yet."

Trooper Sanders still has a long journey ahead of him. He is relearning everyday tasks, like how to walk, but with every step, he is making progress.

"I know I can get back there eventually. It's just going to take time," Trooper Sanders said. "I just got the will to survive. I'm not a quitter. Quit is not in my vocabulary."

OHP is still investigating why the driver crashed into Trooper Sanders.

We asked Trooper Sanders if he is angry with the driver. He said he is not holding a grudge.

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