Clear clutter in a weekend: The 3-day expert-approved plan

Clear Clutter in a Weekend: The 3-Day Expert-Approved Plan
Clear Clutter in a Weekend: The 3-Day Expert-Approved Plan

If you're constantly searching for lost items or feel like you have to much stuff, it's time to organize and declutter!

Organizational expert Andrew Mellen created the perfect plan for weekend warriors trying to simplify their homes.

Friday: Identify the room or space you're going to tackle.
Don't overwhelm yourself by targeting your entire home -- start out small with your garage, kitchen or any other room of the house in need of some attention.
Set a timer for no less than 30 minutes and no more than 3 hours to start sorting items. Create piles of "like" with "like."
Don't forget to give yourself a 5-minute break after each half hour.

Saturday: Decide what stays and what goes.
Saying goodbye might give you anxiety, but freeing up space is worth it. The goal is to only hold on to items that have purpose, with each having its own designated spot for you to know exactly where it belongs.

Sunday: Putting it all back together.
While your instinct might be to buy bins and separaters before you start your project, Mellen says it's more effective to see what you're keeping -- and then, invest in storage.

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