Wolf volcano on Galapagos Islands erupts

Wolf Volcano On The Galapagos Islands Erupts
Wolf Volcano On The Galapagos Islands Erupts

A previously inactive volcano on the Galapagos Islands erupted on Monday.

Wolf volcano, which had been dormant for 33 years, burst with lava, fire, and smoke that reached as far as six miles into the air.

Officials with the Galapagos National Park have stated the volcano is in an isolated area, and human lives are not in danger.

It anchors the northernmost end of Isabela Island, the largest in the cluster of islands that make up the Galapagos, located more than 600 miles from mainland Ecuador.

The only populated area on Isabela is about 70 miles away.

None of the rare pink igua nas, or giant tortoises which live nearby are considered to be at risk, since the lava is flowing away from their habitats.

The Galapagos Islands historically have had one of the highest levels of volcanic activity on Earth.
