Angelina Jolie's tattoo is angering Buddhists

How Angelina Jolie's Tattoo Is Angering Buddhists
How Angelina Jolie's Tattoo Is Angering Buddhists

Angelina Jolie is a trend setter when it comes to tattoos, but there's an entire culture that isn't thrilled about it.

The actress got her traditional Thai tattoo over her shoulder blade while visiting Bangkok in 2003. The religious ink features five vertical rows of ancient Khmer script, which the artist says wards off bad luck and protects her and her adopted son Maddox from harm.

Since the body art caught fans' attention, Thailand's permanent body art has grown increasingly popular with westerners — but for all the wrong reasons.While many enjoy ink for the aesthetics, others in the world take tattoos more seriously. For example, Buddhists believe certain tattoos give the wearer magical powers, protection from evil spirits and sometimes even make them bullet proof. Their is a great spiritual significance that many feel foreigners simply do not appreciate.

A university professor in Bangkok told AFP, "Today it's about fashion. But this type of tattoo cannot be sold just for their beauty. It also has to be for the belief."
