Not so charming! Prince Harry makes a baby cry

Prince Harry Takes Maori Boat Trip
Prince Harry Takes Maori Boat Trip

Not everyone is swooning over Prince Harry during his visit to New Zealand.

While His Royal Hotness has been greeting giddy old ladies, dodging marriage proposals from female fans and playing with babies, one tiny tot wasn't so receptive to Prince William's bachelor brother.

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Upon stopping to greet 6-month old Sammy Kedrewaca outside the War Memorial Centre in Whanganui, New Zealand on Thursday, Harry -- who's admitted that he's ready to have kids -- caused the baby to burst into tears.

While Sammy wasn't wooed by the prince, it sounds like his mother is a fan!

"Harry said he was really cute then tried to shake his hand, but he got scared and started to cry," Sammy's mother, Emeline, told The Daily Telegraph. "He just stepped back and said sorry. He was so lovely."

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Prince Harry has been actively participating in New Zealand's culture this week. After demonstrating a traditional war dance on Wednesday, the royal gave a speech the very next day honoring the Maori culture while wearing a korowai, a traditional cloak from the Ngai Tahu tribe.

He later paddled out in a waka, or Maori canoe, down the Whanganui River. Harry called the experience an "extraordinary privilege."

Prince Harry Can Dance! Learns a Traditional War Dance in New Zealand
Prince Harry Can Dance! Learns a Traditional War Dance in New Zealand

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