Man makes a touching video to find love ... for his mother


Man Makes a Touching Video to Find Love... For His Mother
Man Makes a Touching Video to Find Love... For His Mother

A mother and her son are going on a manhunt, but trust me, it's not what you're thinking.

Alex Norgay is so cool with his mom finding love again that he surprised her with a special gift. Alex knew his mother — who lives in Norway — tried online dating for a few years without much luck.

So he created a video telling the world about the incredible woman who raised him, in the hopes she would find the right guy. Alex wants to find someone who shares Eva's interests— like tennis, swimming, skiing, and a whole lot of other things.

Alex worked on this video for the last year — but just recently told his mom. In fact, Eva's reaction is kind of the best part. The video already has more than 375,000 views on YouTube, and Adam says her inbox is exploding with responses.
