Woman who had 'no idea' she was pregnant gives birth on flight

Woman Gives Birth on Flight and Didn't Know She Was Pregnant
Woman Gives Birth on Flight and Didn't Know She Was Pregnant

TORONTO (Tribune Media Wire) -- A 23-year-old Canadian woman, who had no idea she was pregnant, gave birth aboard an Air Canada flight from Calgary to Tokyo.

Ada Guan and her boyfriend, Wesley Branch, were passengers on an Air Canada flight on Sunday when she began to feel ill.

"She told me, 'Something fell out of me,'" Branch told Global News. "I lifted up her pants and I saw a head and then I heard, 'Waah!' I thought, 'Oh my god, I think we have a kid.'"

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Guan went into labor somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. Branch's mother told the Toronto Sun Guan had no idea she was expecting.

"She had no idea -- she's just a tiny little thing," Sandy Branch said.

Guan took a pregnancy test a few weeks before the flight, however the test was negative. Three doctors were on board the flight and helped welcome Chloe into the world.

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