Watch two guys with jetpacks fly over Dubai

Watch Two Guys with Jetpacks Fly Over Dubai
Watch Two Guys with Jetpacks Fly Over Dubai

Buzz60 -- Dubai turns into a version of the roaring 20s in an incredible new video from XDubai.

The video that's going viral shows Jetman Yves Rossy and his protege, Jetman Vince Reffet zipping around the United Arab Emirates city with giant jetpacks.

The video is shot in 4K which makes it look incredible and makes the viewer feel like they are in on the action.

As the pair flies around Dubai you can see the manmade islands and the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa, as Rossy and Reffet come so close they can almost touch it. In the end credits you see the men land with parachutes, and we're assuming, a fair amount of adrenaline.

Watch the full video below:

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