#KardBlock tool helps you block the Kardashians from your Internet life

Block All References to the Kardashians with This Browser Extension
Block All References to the Kardashians with This Browser Extension

While they have millions of fans around the world, not everyone loves the Kardashians -- and if you're sick of all the news about them, you're in luck.

A new browser extension called KardBlock will you block any reference to the famous reality television family. The creators explained their motivation:

We don't care about how Kanye & Kim didn't care when Amy Schumer 'fell over'.
We don't care about who the Kardashians are or aren't sleeping with.
We don't care that Kim dyed her hair blonde.
We don't care about the Kardashians.

This isn't the first time a tech solution has popped up to help spare more serious-minded Internet users from some of the more ubiquitous pop stars -- a similar tool called "Shaved Bieber" came out five years ago.
