Hero dogs inducted into the Purina Animal Hall of Fame

Hero Dogs Being Honored In Hall Of Fame
Hero Dogs Being Honored In Hall Of Fame

It's a big day for heric dogs in Canada. Sako, a 4-year-old king shepherd, is being inducted into the Purina Animal Hall of Fame for heroically saving the life of his teenage owner.In 2014 Joseph Phillips-Garcia was involved in a fatal car accident on a road trip in British Columbia. He was the only survivor of the crash thanks to his dog Sako.

Phillips-Garcia and Sako were thrown from the vehicle when it went off the side of the road. The 16-year-old suffered a broken leg and collar bone and couldn't move. Sako stayed with him as he slipped out of consciousness.

The dog even fended off predators in the wild -- Phillips-Garcia said he could hear Sako fighting to save him.

Sako and Phillips-Garcia were lost in the woods for nearly two days. In the profile of Sako on Purina's website, they write: "To help keep him warm, Sako lay close to Joseph and helped move wood closer to him so he could make a fire with the lighter he had in his pocket. To keep him hydrated, Sako helped Joseph to drag himself closer to a nearby creek so he could drink some water."

Sako is one of four dogs being inducted into Canada's 2015 Purina Animal Hall of Fame. Joining Sako is Badger, who dragged his owner who suffered a broken leg and the beginning stages of hypothermia across a frozen lake and up a hill to safety.

Bella also made the list. The pooch, a typically obedient German shepherd mix, refused to listen to her owner one day when she dragged him into a building lobby directly to a man who was having a heart attack. Bella laid at his side while 911 was called.

Nettle, service dog who takes care of twin girls who suffer from type 1 diabetes and celiac disease, was also honored.

In the first week of his time with the family, Nettle managed to sound the alarm in the middle of the night when one of the girls had dangerously low blood sugar. Nettle's family says that was the first of many times the lab has saved their daughters' lives.

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