'Dark web,' 'brogrammer' among words added to dictionary.com

'Dark Web,' 'Brogrammer' Among Words Added to Dictionary.Com
'Dark Web,' 'Brogrammer' Among Words Added to Dictionary.Com

Dictionary.com unveiled its latest list of new words and updated some definitions on Wednesday.

Out of the thousand-plus new words and definitions added, Dictionary.com included many having to deal with technology, such as "smartwatch," and "dark web."

They also added "completionist" which can be used to refer to someone who's completed every single challenge in a video game.

Other new words deal with what gender a person defines themselves as being, such as "agender,""bigender" and "gender-fluid." Another gendered term added was "brogrammer," which stands for "a male computer programmer who is characterized as a bro."

The dictionary.com team also updated the definition of "basic" to say it "means you're just like a plain Jane every day."

"Many of these new words show that the line continues to blur between our lives online and our vernacular, with personal and enterprise security top of mind for consumers, as shown by their searches," Michele Turner, CEO of Dictionary.com, said of the newly added words. "One of our favorite recent additions is a concept very familiar to many of us these days: anecdata is anecdotal evidence based on personal observations but presented as fact."

Ever wonder how dictionaries choose what new words to add each year?

It all starts with editors scouring publications and the Internet for terms or definitions not already included. If they see a word pop up enough times, they make note of it.

"For every new dictionary or online update, we look at all the most recent terms that have emerged and select those that we judge to be the most significant or important, and those which we think are likely to stand the test of time."

Now we're not real sure why Oxford Dictionaries thought the words "adorbs" and "amazeballs" would stand the test of time back when they were added in 2014. But we won't judge.

Keep expecting to see more slang included in dictionaries, because The Economist says, "They are no longer primarily prescriptive in the sense of granting 'good' words official status while keeping slang and neologisms out."

Newsweek points out one new phrase that didn't make it this time around: "on fleek." Better luck next time, guys.

Check out some of the other words added below:

agender: relating to a person who does not have a specific gender identity or recognizable gender expression.

anecdata: anecdotal evidence based on personal observations or opinions, random investigations, etc., but presented as fact.

astroturfing: the deceptive tactic of simulating grassroots support for a product or cause undertaken by people or organizations with an interest in shaping public opinion.

basic: characterized by predictable or unoriginal style, interests, or behavior.

bigender: relating to a person who has two gender identities or some combination of both.

blackhat: a hacker who violates the security of a system for personal profit or for the gratification of causing damage.

brogrammer: a male computer programmer who is characterized as a bro.

crash blossom: an ambiguously worded headline whose meaning can be interpreted in the wrong way, as "Missing Woman Remains Found."

cybercrime: criminal activity or a crime that involves the Internet, a computer system, or computer technology.

dark web: the portion of the Internet that is intentionally hidden from search engines, uses masked IP addresses, and is accessible only with a special web browser.

dox: to publish the private personal information of (another person) without the consent of that individual.

esports: competitive tournaments of video games.

gender-fluid: relating to a person whose gender identity or gender expression is not fixed and shifts over time or depending on the situation.

glanceable: relating to information on an electronic screen that can be understood quickly or at a glance.

gesture: a particular movement of the fingers or hand over a screen, used to control or interact with a digital device.

haptics: the study or use of tactile sensations and the sense of touch as a method of interacting with computers and electronic devices.

hyperlocal: focused on a very small geographical community, as a neighborhood.

microaggression: a subtle but offensive comment or action directed at a minority or other nondominant group that is often unintentional or unconsciously reinforces a stereotype.

mRDC: mobile remote deposit capture: a method of depositing a check by using a mobile device to scan an image of it and transmit the image to a bank.

parallax: a 3-D effect observed when images and other elements in the foreground of a screen move at a different rate than those in the background.

revenge porn: sexually suggestive images of someone, typically a former romantic partner, that are posted online without the person's consent.

ship: to take an interest in a romantic relationship between fictional characters or famous people.

smartwatch: a computing device that resembles a wristwatch and is attached to a band worn around the wrist.

swat: (especially among online video gamers) to cause a SWAT team to be deployed on an unsuspecting victim by falsifying a threat, often as a punishment or retaliation.
